12-Week Wellness Transformation
What would you be able to do, and how would you feel…
If you bounced back in your health this year?
If you know that now, more than ever, is the time to get healthy & resilient in your mind, body, & spirit, then I have something for you.
I am Alesha Maury, ND, and I’m your Fatigued to Energized Mentor. For the last decade, my most fulfilling work has been when I equip busy women like yourself, struggling with fatigue & stubborn weight, to reclaim their wellness by balancing hormones, improving mood & mental focus, and overcoming pain, naturally.

I keep hearing from women that are feeling run-down and exhausted, anxious, and/or stressed over having “risk factors”.
You may be feeling stuck and out of options because of things like:
Doctor says all your tests are normal for your age
You’ve tried lots of pills, potions, and diets… and nothing truly heals
You don’t have time, or don’t know where to look for a better approach
I promise we’ll get to the details, but first let’s see if this program will be a good fit for you.
You’re an ambitious and successful woman—juggling work and life balance while trying to stay beautiful, vibrant, and healthy. Right?
But life gets in the way. Whether you’re…
• Feeling pretty good but starting to notice subtle shifts in your energy, sleep, or mood—and want to set yourself up to feel amazing as you age…
• Or you’ve tried everything to get better – fad diets, lots of medication, & all the latest “advice” online, but you're either getting worse, or make 3 steps forward, then 10 steps back repeatedly...
• Or worried about your lab values that seem to be creeping up along with your waistline—and want to turn things around…
• Or even been given a diagnosis you never imagined you would face—and know there are natural ways to strengthen your system and feel so much better…
Then I cannot wait to share with you
The Equipped for Energy Wellness Reset

Start Your Wellness Recovery Now
I currently have limited seats open in this program.
Main Goals for This Reset...
Fast-track your journey to overcome fatigue & hormone imbalance, through a food & stress reduction-based detox!
Learn how to fix your sleep issues, so that you wake refreshed and renewed!
Knock out inflammation that's been causing pain and hindering your healing!
Accelerate your recovery from brain fog and poor mood!
Fire up your metabolism, so that you quickly start to release unwanted weight and reclaim your sexy!
Walk away with a fulfilling, sustainable plan for permanent weight management!
See More Program Details & Goodies Further Down the Page👀
Nicole's Progress at only 4 Weeks Into Her Reset:
My biggest fear was that I would become dependent on others and would not be able to enjoy my 50th birthday...
“I started this program in a very stressful state of mind. I weighed 343 pounds on all these pills and with these different allergies. My biggest fear was that I would become dependent on others and would not be able to enjoy my 50th birthday.
These few weeks made me more familiar with my body. I now recognize how stress and my eating schedule effects my blood pressure, bowels, sleep, pain, weight and my digestive system. I am currently down 35.3 pounds...
My breathing, and blood sugar, doing much better. My blood pressure is better… I actually feel less stressed since I've started….This program is very simple and it teaches you not just for the now but for a lifetime lifestyle change.”
- Nicole, Quality Analyst

I Wonder Did You Know...
Your low energy, stressed mood, aches and pains, growing waistline, & you fill in the blank are all connected to the same root problems?
I know it sounds crazy, because we’re so used to “fixing” our health struggles on a symptom by symptom, case by case basis.
The truth is, without a plan that identifies and addresses your root causes of illness, you’ll just continue to put Band-Aids on symptoms and put out fires as they arise, with no deep and lasting recovery.

There are 3 essential keys to getting your health back on track, that I consider laws of health...
But how many times have you seen someone who is eating kiddie plate size meals, and is still overweight, or someone who hits the gym, but is still stressed out, can’t sleep, and has health challenges? That’s because amazing health is not about calories and exercise.
If these 3 laws of health are not being followed, nothing we do to improve health will help or stick:
Reset your body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm)
Reduce your body burden (toxins of all types)
Strengthen your stress management game (resilience)
So many women think that if they just eat less and exercise more, that they will feel better, look better, and have better health.

The Details...
Equipped for Energy
Wellness Reset
A 12 week program to help busy women improve their energy, mood, sleep, & metabolism, and to decrease inflammation, so they can start to feel, look and act like the best versions of themselves.
What Does Participation Look Like When You Join?
Plus, you will receive a Program Guide ( success blueprint, recipe ideas, & guidance) and a Success Kit (tools and products to support your mood, sleep, energy, immunity, metabolism, and stress response) worth over $675!
This program provides the whole package - highly personalized support, a safe, fun, and loving community of women, & a step-by-step proven plan to help you transform your health in the midst of a busy life.
Discover the foundations of wellness so that you can heal.

1-on-1 Sessions
This isn't just some online, DIY program. This is a highly personal, interactive journey that I go an with you, to help you have the full support & guidance that you need to succeed.
You & I will have 3 private, virtual sessions during the program
First, we will review your health story, look at your goals, & tailor the reset to your needs
Next, we will track your progress, tweak as needed, address any obstacles, answer questions
Ultimately, we map out your blueprint for the long-term
$1,800 Value
Group Sessions
Join me each week on Zoom for group sessions, where we will cover relevant topics for your wellness success, & I answer all of your questions.
A confidential and loving environment with other women going through similar journeys.
The support, encouragement, accountability, & education that you get on these calls is powerful and hard to find in this day and age.
Accountability Prize Opportunities Available!
Recordings of the Replays Provided
$2,400 Value

Unlimited Private & Group Messaging
Imagine having a naturopathic wellness consultant in your back pocket. You will have the opportunity to chat with me via private messages in our secure client portal.
Reach out daily, or as often as you need.
You have the convenient options of using a secure client portal app or the portal website.
Communicate with me via email if you prefer - your preference.
You will also get to engage in our group chat, with myself & the other ladies in the program.
$1,200 Value
Weekly Education
Each week, you will receive a new training module, via your client portal.
The modules provide you video trainings by me, and resources and guides
The modules teach you foundational practices to facilitate your healing & recovery.
We go deeper on these topics during group sessions.
They are designed for busy women to digest & implement easily.
$1,500 Value

Weekly Topics Covered:
Cleansing Phase: Eating for Energy While Melting Fat and Conquering Cravings
Identify foods that don't work for you as an individual
Reset Your Body Clock with Ease
Timing your meals, sleep, and movement to work with and not against your internal body clock
Living in the Eye of the Storm
Building resilience in your body, mind, and spirit, so you don’t go down in flames when life happens. Stress management success
Straighten Up Your
Dealing with your root causes of troubled sleep. Quality + quantity approaches
The Truth About Hormone Balance
Exploring root causes for menstrual struggles, menopausal difficulties, as well as adrenal & thyroid problems
Activating Your Vagus Nerve
The master switch in your body that's affecting everything else. Simple lifestyle changes to support healing.
Joyful/Parasympathetic Movement
This program is an exercise free zone, but we will discover how to incorporate joyful movement that nourishes your parasympathetic nervous system
Health begins in the gut, & in this program, so shall we. Discover the root causes of indigestion & bowel issues. Mood & immune health are integrally tied to gut health
Emotional Eating
What it actually means, who is affected (not the stereotypes you imagine)why it’s happening, & how to get to the other side of it
Detox Your Body
Unburden your body’s toxic load naturally and gently. How to keep your body’s natural detox mechanisms running smoothly
Detox Your Home
How to make better choices that set you and your family’s health up to heal. Hidden toxins and easy ways to transition to a cleaner home
Lifestyle Phase
Taking everything we have learned and making it a simple, sustainable way of life for you and your family.
This isn’t a temporary look and feel good blueprint – tools for a lifetime


Printed Guide with all the Program Structure, Recipe Ideas, &Tools to make this an enjoyable and successful experience.
A $50 Value
Monthly Health Workshops - interactive trainings for continued growth
A $2,400 Value

Personalized flower essence formula to support metabolism, cravings, mood, sleep
A $75 Value

GUIDE - to share all my favorite tips, tricks & tools that I loved when I did the reset myself!
A $25 Value
Let's recap what's included here...
Questions? Email me at: aleshamaurynd@equippedforhealth.com
3 Private Sessions - we delve into your health story & map out your recovery plan ($1,800)
12 Group Sessions - fun, supportive community of women ($2,400)
Complete Program Guide - includes your success blueprint, recipe ideas, & guidance
Journal to track progress available digitally and hardcopy
Success Kit - tools and treats needed to make this a great healing experience($675)
Accountability Prize Opportunities
Powerful Lessons on Food, Sleep, Stress, Hormones, Etc ($1,500)
Private Client Portal for Chats & Messaging - you won't feel alone on this journey ($1,200)
BONUS: Monthly Health Workshops - interactive trainings for continued growth ($2,400)
BONUS: Personalized Flower Essence Formula - for metabolism, cravings, mood, & sleep ($75)
BONUS: Printed Version of Complete Program Guide ($50)
Bonus: My FAVORITES Guide - based on my own reset experience ($25)
That’s a total value of more than $10,000.
But your actual investment is only:
Option 1
3 Monthly Installment Payments of
Option 2
1 Easy Payment of
Steps to Get Started??
Questions to assess your needs and goals, to help us make the most of our free chat.
The questionnaire takes 10-15 min.
This is a quick ( up to 45 min) chat via phone or video - your choice, to answer your questions, & connect & map out how I can best help you.
Enroll in the
Once you decide to take this step towards healing, we are ready to get started! I will ship your Success Kit and Bonus Gifts promptly.
Can I do this program if I'm struggling with other issues besides fatigue, brain fog, poor mood or weight issues?"Thanks for checking. Most women that I work with have some additional issue(s) that they are hoping to address, and that is completely fine. In fact, as our physical and mental health is highly interconnected, and our root causes of illness are interconnected as well, working on fundamentals of health help to address multiple areas. Therefore, my clients either come in with additional wellness goals, or find that issues that they were not even focused on addressing end up being addressed as well! Common issues that you can expect to improve: Immune Health, Blood pressure health, Blood Sugar health, Joint health, Heart health, Lung health, and Skin health.
What if I am on medications, can I do this program?"I'm glad that you asked. For most women, medication use will not be a hinderance to doing this program. The Equipped for Energy Metabolic Reset has a foundation in using food and stress reduction to heal your body. If you are able to eat lean proteins, vegetables, and fruit, then you will do well in this program. IMPORTANT NOTE: It is important to continue to work closely with your doctor on your health, even while in this program, because as you improve your health and metabolism, you may find that you need to speak to your doctor about lowering your doses of certain medications, such as blood pressure or blood sugar medications for example.
My doctor/specialist/or other practitioner wants to know everything that I am doing outside of their care. Will you help me to provide this information to them?I love it when my clients have doctors that care! Considering that your work in this program is not a doctor-patient relationship, (it is a wellness consultant - client relationship) I encourage all of my members to continue working and cooperating with your medical providers at all times. You will receive a copy of each of our session notes and suggestions. You can feel free to share any of this information with your providers that want to review it.
Does the group program investment cost include any supplements or testing, like your 1-on-1 programs?"Excellent question! Your group program investment does not include testing. However, you will be provided with an Equipped for Success Kit, which includes supplemental support. Plus, one of the perks of being a client is that you will receive 20% off retail price on any additional supplements that you order for you or your family through the Equipped for Health store.
What if I have allergies or other special needs regarding supplements that you provide for me?I know how you feel, as I have to check for those accommodations before I start anything new also! I support you with supplements that meet your needs, inlcuding allergies and sensitivities. Don't worry. I have you covered, and you will be well cared for in this program. Just let me know about any allergies or sensitivities that you have.
Is this Program Co-Ed?Super important question! Our group program community is designed as a safe, comfortable space for women only.
What if I am concerned about discussing my health and my life in front of the other women in this group program?Completely understandable question! Although still fairly new, the idea of group health visits is slowly growing and gaining momentum. Pretty soon, it will be at a health office near you. It has actually been found to be more beneficial in many ways for clients and patients than 1-on-1 sessions. That is because you get the benefit of more time with the provider (than they can spend on their own with each person individually), and because you get the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others that are going through similar struggles. Additionally, the group becomes a strong source of encouragement and accountability. It's quite amazing in fact. With all that said, please rest assured that I take confidentiality and privacy protection extremely serious in this program, just as I do in my private 1-on-1 programs. Therefore, everyone who joins must first sign a confidentiality agreement. Furthermore, we have strictly enforced rules about the ambiance and attitudes that are welcome and allowed during our group interactions. I only welcome women into the program that have the wellness goals and personalities that seem well-suited. However, if we ever come across a member that is not upholding their commitments to ooze support, love, and the utmost confidentiality of all members, then they will void and end their time in the group program.
What if I don't need to lose weight, but want to do this program as a cleanse and for other areas of health?"So glad you asked. As you said, this is a cleanse, and we all need to cleanse. We can adjust the food portion of the detox in order to support your weight maintenance goals as needed.
Is this program appropriate for vegans or vegetarians?Indeed it is! I will have you do a modified food plan for the cleansing phase, that is appropriate to your vegan or vegetarian needs.
What if I need to work with you for more than 12 weeks?I can tell that you are serious about transforming your health, and I love it! I know that some women have a lot going on with their health, and that 12 weeks would be a good foundation, but not the full solution for them. That's why I continue to offer my 6 and 12 month programs, and offer clients of those programs the opportunity to go through this reset either with the group, or privately (their choice). If you already know that you would benefit from the 6 or 12 month program, we can enroll you in one of those more comprehensive programs, and you will a have complimentary invitation to go through the reset during your time as a client! In addition to more time to work privately, the 6 & 12 month programs include comprehensive wellness testing and additional nutritional & supplemental support.
What if I want to do the reset with you in a private group with just my friends/colleagues/family/etc?I love girls time with my loved ones also. If your private group is 10 ladies or more, I will be open to hosting a private group for you. Email me about this special request at aleshamaurynd@equippedforhealth.com.
Does this program involve using shakes as a meal replacement?Good question. No diss to shakes, but this program does not involve them. We are only using real food - lean proteins, vegetables, and fruit. The program can be tailored for vegans and vegetarians as well.
Is this program doable if I have a spouse or kids to feed?Smart thinking! The Equipped for Energy Reset is designed for busy women, and teaches you how to feed yourself & your family in a way that is both enjoyable & healing. We focus on real food - lean proteins, vegetables, and fruit initially, as we do an elimination and cleansing period. Later, we add back certain starchier and fat-based foods, as you learn what works and what doesn't for your individual body. Most women find that it's easier to prepare everyone's food according to the reset plan, and tweak things here or there based on their spouse or child's needs. We will cover simple strategies to accomplish this during the program, so no worries. I have seen that spouses get the added benefit of seeing their own health and waistline improve as well. My husband definitely reaped the benefits in our home. Win-Win!!
I have achy joints. How much exercise is required in this program?Good news! This program is exercise free, in the traditional sense. You are encouraged to do some light gentle movement such as a 20 min leisurely walk or stretching, but you don't want to do anything strenuous and cardio-heavy in this program. That's because we focus on getting your body into parasympathetic (rest and digest) mode, which promotes the healing that you are aiming for. Your body will release inflammation, excess weight, stress, and toxins by doing less, not more. For those of you who enter the program not even able to do a 20 min leisurely walk - no worries, focus on following the other areas of this program, so that your body can strengthen in that area for the future! I will give you specific guidance based on your needs during our private and group sessions.

I look forward to supporting you in transforming your health.
I believe every woman deserves to feel balanced, vibrant, and full of energy. But more often than not, I see women trying everything they know to be healthy—yet still feeling progressively worse.
I have structured this program so that you get the best of both worlds: personalized 1:1 guidance from me PLUS the support and community of a group program.
This program has worked for many women who felt like they had tried everything. I trust it will work for you too.
Alesha Maury, ND